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By on 18 October, 2019

2018 Global Terrorist Attacks

Maps Mania

The Global Terrorist Database has released its report into global terrorism trends in 2018. There were more than 9,600 terrorist attacks across the globe in 2018. More than 22,980 people were killed in those attacks.

A Rare Russian Plan of Dalian

Worlds Revealed: Geography and Maps at the Library of Congress

In 1898 Tsarist Russia wrested from China a long-term lease for Port Arthur (Lushun), its new-found warm-water port on the east coast restricted to use by the Russian navy. Under pressure from Great Britain and Germany, two other European powers with concessions in China, Russia agreed to establish an open port on the southern tip of the Liaodung Peninsula for their benefit. Officials selected the nearby fishing village of Ching-ni-wa, which they called Dalny or Dalian.

Gang Injunctions Map-Los Angeles

Map of the week

The controversial practice of gang injunctions, in which individuals or entire gangs can be restricted from associating with friends or even family members in certain neighborhoods, has been blocked for now in Los Angeles. Over the last few decades the city has enforced injunctions against 79 gangs encompassing some 8,700 people.

Call for Maps: the 2020 GeoHipster Calendar


Hello GeoHipster fans, cartographers, and map geeks around the world! While we’ve put out teasers over the last few weeks, today we’re making it official: we’ve set a deadline of October 25 for you to submit your map for the 2020 GeoHipster Calendar.

Mapping California’s Poisoned Wells

Maps Mania

California state regulators have tested 600 wells across the state for toxic chemicals. The Los Angeles Times has created an interactive map which allow you to view the safety of the water in each well. Twenty-four of the wells now have a health advisory.

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