Best of the blogs

By on 13 March, 2019

The Killing Times

The Guardian

An immense data journalism project from The Guardian collates data from all existing (and ongoing) research into colonial massacres of Indigenous people to create a map visualising the most comprehensive dataset to date. The Guardian’s datablog describes new analysis and presents sobering new statistics revealed by the creation of this new dataset. The project is part of a larger series aimed at documenting Australian history more accurately to support a truth telling process.

Mapping Iran-U.S. Tensions in the Middle East

Maps Mania

The Middle East is a powder keg that could easily explode. The geo-political ambitions of Iran coupled with the USA’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal has resulted in the spread of instability and conflict in the region. You can view the locations of possible flashpoints in the area on Crisis Group’s new interactive map The Iran-U.S. Trigger List.

Traveling via the Green Book

Map of the week

The Green Book was a travel guide for African Americans published 1936 and 1966. The prevalent racism of the era necessitated a guide directing travelers to places they would be welcome. The New York Public Library (NYPL) Labs created an online tool where you can plan a trip from and to anywhere in the country using this resource.

Maps and Mappers of the 2019 calendar: Chris Van Pollard


Geohipster’s Q&A with Chris Van Pollard, a GIS specialist in the Regional Planning Commission in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Unequal Germany

Maps Mania

The pay gap between men and women is larger in Germany than in almost every other European country. The gap between the average male salary and the average woman’s salary is 21% in Germany, compared to 16% in Europe as a whole. Berliner Morgenpost has mapped out the pay gap in each German district.

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