Best of the blogs

By on 26 September, 2017

What your favorite map projection says about you


Randall Munroe gives a psycho-analysis of the lovers of 12 different map projections.

What the world will look like 4 degrees warmer

Big Think: Strange Maps, Frank Jacobs

Micronesia is gone – sunk beneath the waves. Pakistan and South India have been abandoned. And Europe is slowly turning into a desert. This is the world, 4°C warmer than it is now. 

An unintelligible language

Cartastrophe, Daniel Huffman

Daniel Huffman blogs about bad maps. Like really, really bad maps. Huffman identifies what makes a well-intended map unintelligible and offers suggestions for improvement.

Mapa en Relieve (Relief Map)

Atlas Obscura

The Mapa en Relieve (Relief Map) in Guatemala City is a large, impressively accurate 3D replica of the country’s remarkable terrain. It depicts in intricate detail the major cities, towns, volcanoes, rivers, lakes, plateaus, and valleys blanketing the landscape, at a scale of 1:10,000 kilometers. This is all the more impressive considering the map was made more than 100 years ago, without the help of satellites and modern technology.


Ten best maps from fantasy books

Bustle, Charlotte Ahlin

Charlotte Ahlin starts her post: Dear reader: I, an adult woman, love those maps in the front of fantasy novels. Sorry. I just love them. Give me those little triangle mountains surrounding the ruined Citadel of E’rroth, man. I’m all about it. So if you, like me, are an otherwise reasonable person who geeks out over small line drawings of imaginary nation states, here are some of the best maps from fantasy books.





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