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By on 21 November, 2018

Botanical Imperative: Why Cellular Network Towers Get Disguised as Trees

99% Invisible

Engineers at Bell Labs first envisioned a modern cellular communications network back in the 1940s. Wireless towers, they imagined, would create biological cell-like coverage areas. But that was the extent of their organic metaphor — they never would have guessed that the towers themselves would be designed to look “natural.”

Mapping Poverty in Victoria, Australia

Maps mania

774,000 Victorians live in poverty. That is more than 1 in 10 of the entire population, and rates of poverty are even higher in some neighborhoods. VCOSS Poverty Maps allows you to view overall poverty rates for each suburb and to view the poverty rates by gender, age, employment status, housing tenure and household type.

California Wildfires

Map of the week

Map of the week’s curated list of the best cartographic coverage of the disastrous California wildfires.

Mapping Armistice Day: 11 November 1918

Worlds Revealed: Geography and maps at the Library of Congress

At 11 am on November 11, 1918, the long and terrible fighting that was known as the Great War ended. The final hour of the final day of World War I, as it is known today, was documented by the United States Army on a large 36″ x 32″ map sheet.

Exploring Fictional London

Maps mania

Authorial London is an interactive map of references to London locations which can be found in the works and biographies of the writers who have lived there. The map allows you to explore the places where authors lived in London and the locations which they wrote about.

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