Google Maps Mania shows us the 2012 Country Performance Map, which visually shows each country’s rank on Yale University’s Environmental Performance Index. Users can mouse-over a country to reveal the country's ranking and ranking trend in an information window. Clicking on a country takes the user to the country's dedicated country profile page where all the performance indicators for the country can be viewed on one page.
As part of a recent ‘A-Z of Google Earth’ series, the unofficial Google Earth blog is showing off some of the weather functions in Google Earth, such as the ability to fly below the clouds and see precipitation.
GIS Lounge has a “Dos and Don’ts of Web Map Design” post, which offers some salient points useful for anyone creating a web map.
The All Points Blog talks of a recent start up that uses LED-based beacons as a method for indoor navigation. The method is accurate to less than one metre, and takes less than one second to compute.
SlashGeo has a post outlining a new Global DEM, to be released in 2014, that will be the most accurate Global DEM yet, with a 12mx12m raster, and 2m (relative) / 10m (absolute) vertical accuracy.
GIS Lounge has compiled a collection of memorable GIS quotes, including this beautiful one: "A map is the greatest of all epic poems. Its lines and colors show the realization of great dreams." Attributed to Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Editor of National Geographic (1903- 1954).
Between the Poles has an interesting overview of a recent study around the most popular open source projects, which aimed to see if a project’s governance model had any effect on its success. The results show that projects governed by not-for-profit foundations were around 10x larger than those governed by vendors.