Best of the blogs

By on 17 July, 2018

The Rise and Fall of the Orange Free State and Transvaal in Southern Africa

Worlds Revealed: Geography and maps at the Library of Congress

Post by Ryan Moore, a cartographic specialist in the Geography and Map Division.

London Underground Depth Diagrams

The Map Room

Daniel Silva’s London Underground Depth Diagrams literally add another dimension to Tube maps: they show the elevation of each station platform relative to sea level and the ground level above.

The Yangon Time Machine

Google Maps Mania

Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar, is steeped in history. The city boasts the highest number of colonial-era buildings in Southeast Asia. It also boasts a large number of impressive Hindu and Buddhist temples.

Building the world


It took probably around 30 hours to build in total and dominated the dining room table for over a month…but it’s finished and it is mighty impressive.

“Impostor syndrome will get you nowhere”

Image courtesy of Tellus Labs.


Tina is a remote sensing scientist with over 10 years of experience working at the crossroads of spatial analysis and machine learning. She is interviewed for Geohipster by Randal Hale.

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