Best of the Blogs 10 June 2014

By on 10 June, 2014

World Cup map

As you may have noticed, it’s nearly time for the World Cup, and GIS User are bringing your two loves – maps and soccer (football) – together at last, with these maps of the World Cup.


The Guardian reports on Google’s ‘switching on’ of navigation capabilities for Google Maps in North Korea – despite a distinct lack of cars in the country, and the incomplete state of the crowd-sourced maps. Also: don’t try and use it to find a way out to Seoul or Beijing.


James Fee looks at the new indoor location capabilities that are making their way into Apple’s iOS8. In true Apple style, it’s all proprietary, but it’s progress. I suppose.


Geospatial World looks at UAV regulation and support in Europe, stating that an EU-wide approach is required.


Geospatial World also has the news that a new study by the Japan Earthquake Science Exploration Agency (JESEA) shows that GNSS signals can effectively be used as a means of earthquake prediction.


The consistently awesome Geoawesomeness has details of a map of isochrones for any spot in the world. Isowhatsit? A way to see just how far you can travel in a given time, of course. The map allows you to choose a place on earth, then select an interval between 2-10 minutes, and then you can compare the changes in distance based on the time of day. Neat.


GIS Lounge has done some work to track down the origins and truth of the oft-muttered line: ‘80% of data is Geographic.’ Turns out, there isn’t really any sources to back it up in its original utterance, but newer research may have the number actually lying in the 60-80% range.

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