Each week, Spatial Source finds the best that the internet has to offer.
There’s a first for everything in the growing world of all things UAV. Today we’ve discovered what seems to be the first combination of drone and flying insect. Although drones are based on the same laws of motion and dynamics that govern the natural world, Draper’s modified dragonfly is the first to bring technology and nature together so completely. [Dronelife]
Anti-vaccers are everywhere! Or put otherwise, immunisation rates vary across the Australian continent. A report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reveals 93 per cent of Australian five year olds were fully immunised in 2015-16. This is up from 90 per cent in 2011-12, however below the national target of 95 per cent. This map shows you which areas are lagging behind. [SBS]
Around 8 million tonnes of plastic is dumped into the world’s oceans every single year. The Ocean Cleanup organisation believes that between 1.15 and 2.41 million metric tons of that plastic in the oceans originates from the world’s river systems. To help explain how and where plastic ends up in the world’s oceans the Ocean Cleanup has released an interactive map, River Plastic Emissions to the World’s Oceans. Similarly, Sailing Seas of Plastic, is an interactive mapped visualization of the concentration of plastic in the world’s oceans. According to the map there are 5,250 billion pieces of plastic adrift on the seas of the world. [Maps Mania]
Atlas Obscura catalogues the most unusual, surprising, and amazing places around the world, thanks to the discoveries shared by our intrepid community of travelers and explorers. The more map-based Atlas Obscura entries, often end up here on Best of the Blogs. There are now more than 11,000 of these incredible hidden wonders listed in the Atlas, and they have now plotted each and every one of them on an interactive map. [Atlas Obscura]
England is the home of football, and baseball is a quintessentially American sport. But no nation can claim chess as its own. It is a truly global game. Yet as this map shows, it too has a history, and a geography. What’s your theory? [Big Think]