Australian CrossCountry app gallops onto iOS

By on 4 October, 2011
An Australian iPhone app is helping horse riders measure, map and memorise their courses. In the equestrian triathlon of ‘Eventing’ competitors gallop 2-7kms and jump obstacles such as hedges, logs and ditches.
CrossCountry app creates a course map using GPS over a Google map and automatically calculates time markers. While walking the course in preparation, riders add photos, videos and comments to quickly review before they ride. CrossCountry was tested by Olympic Gold Medalist Stuart Tinney and Australian riders of all levels are using it.
Great attention was paid to performance and user interface design. Jose Diacono of Communica who heads the development team says “riders love the friendly user interface. They now know exactly how fast they must gallop to make the optimum time and avoid penalties without tiring their horses unnecessarily. That makes all the difference on the scoreboard”. review says ‘this app is top class”
You can find out more at 

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