AURIN has announced the availability of new national Noise Mapping Datasets, developed in partnership with Ambient Maps and Geoscape Australia.
The datasets contain noise levels for each building throughout most of Australia, generated using SoundPLAN software and calculated for every storey of each building façade.
The noise values are broken down by time of day, origin of noise and level of exposure.
There are two different ways to access the new noise data: the Transport Noise Overlay or the Transport Noise Dataset Buildings.
The Transport Noise Overlay is the core offering, relying on raster representation of the noise contours, which contains embedded access to Geoscape Data. This offering is for researchers looking for a simple but effective noise dataset.
The Transport Noise Dataset Buildings is a more detailed and precise dataset. Noise values are provided with building centroids in the form of latitude and longitude derived from the Geoscape Building Footprint, along with the Geoscape Building PIDs.
The Noise Mapping Datasets can be obtained by submitting a request form.