Astrium GEO-Information Services increases investment in i-cubed

By on 5 July, 2011
The GEO-Information division of Astrium Services (formerly Spot Image and Infoterra) recently announced that it has expanded its investment in i-cubed LLC, a worldwide provider of value-added imagery and geospatial data management technologies based in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
i-cubed provides imagery, geospatial content and distributed asset management hosted in the cloud or behind the client’s firewall. Their product line includes DataDoors and DataDoors Geospatial Asset Management Environment (GAME).
DataDoors is a geospatial data archive and dissemination system that enables clients to quickly discover and deliver imagery optimized for the current requirement.
GAME extends the capability to anything where location matters, including full-motion video, office documents and photos. This solution covers distributed asset management or where a common operating picture can help make the mission a success.
As long-time strategic partner, Astrium GEO-Information Services first invested in i-cubed through SPOT Image Corp in 2007 along with Esri, which remains a shareholder and partner in the company. i-cubed will continue to operate as a separate company with the same leadership team.

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