360-degree radar for driverless cars

By on 17 November, 2015

cohda car

Australian connected car technology leader Cohda Wireless has announced a new 360-degree sensor for driverless cars that complements and enhances traditional sensors, allowing driverless cars to ‘see’ the world. The V2X-Radar provides a new sensor for driverless cars, a 360-degree radar that can detect buildings, road signs and even older vehicles not equipped with car-to-car communications.

Cohda Wireless is a global operator in V2X (vehicle to everything) technology and  this month briefed South Australian ministers on its breakthrough, after State Cabinet met at its North Adelaide head office. The V2X-Radar was demonstrated for delegates at the International Driverless Cars Conference in South Australia earlier this month, offering them rides in cars equipped with the system on roads around the Torrens Parade Ground.

V2X-Radar uses the IEEE 802.11 wireless signals of current V2X systems to share sensor information either to interact vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) or vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). These radio signals bounce off surfaces, such as walls, road signs and other vehicles, as they travel from transmitter to receiver. V2X-Radar uses these signals to identify objects within the environment, including non-V2X equipped vehicles. Unlike current technologies, Cohda’s V2X-Radar operates unaffected in rain, snow and fog, and is able to ‘see’ around corners. It can also provide highly accurate positioning, even in ‘urban canyons’ and detects vehicle speeds via Doppler measurements

Cohda Wireless CEO Dr Paul Gray describes V2X-Radar as a ‘disruptive technology’: “It’s a low-cost addition to a standard V2X system that adds radar functionality to the V2X connected car,” he said.

“V2X systems are essential for driverless cars, extending their view of the world beyond that of traditional sensors.  V2X-Radar pushes this even further, allowing driverless cars to sense the environment in ways not previously imagined.”

SA Premier Jay Weatherill praised Cohda Wireless on the technology: “SA is leading the world with its driverless vehicle trial, so it’s great to see a smart South Australian company like Cohda Wireless leading the world with its innovative technology,” he said.


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