2022 drone industry survey now open

By on 25 July, 2022


The Australian Association for Uncrewed Systems (AAUV) is conducting its annual RPAS Industry Survey for 2022.

The aim of the survey is to find out what’s important for the growth of the drone industry in Australia. The AAUV will use the information gathered to shape its drone advocacy strategy.

Last year’s survey provided valuable feedback on a wide variety of issues, from areas of industry risk to drone operations, and future uses of drones to initiatives to continue growing the industry. Responses were received from a range of stakeholders, including ReOC holders, excluded category operators, manufacturers and service providers.

The 2022 survey should take no longer than 12 minutes, and responses will be kept confidential.

The survey will close on July 31, 2022, with results to be published in August.

Questions about the survey can be sent to AAUV Executive Director, Greg Tyrrell at greg.tyrrell@aaus.org.au.

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