Victoria launches digital asset infrastructure strategy

By on 6 February, 2019

 Victorian Digital Asset Strategy (VDAS) mandates digital engineering and building information modelling across entire lifecycle for all infrastructure assets.

Victorian Chief Engineer Dr. Collette Burke and the Office of Projects Victoria have just released the strategic plan, which will be rolling out across all relevant government agencies in February.

At its base, the plan aims to engender a culture of understanding of the value of asset information in government in the midst of gargantuan infrastructure spending for the state, with $78.9 billion of state capital projects slated to commence, be developed or delivered in 2019.

This involves development of asset information management regimes to efficiently create and maintain digital engineering (DE) data, and the plan seeks to maximise its use in government processes and modelling.

The VDAS success criteria are focused on developing DE support material for all VDAS stakeholders, managing the plan’s rollout and measuring both its implementation in asset lifecycle management and perceptions of the value of digital information and data.

Medium term goals include enhanced collaboration with supply chain and development of a VDAS competency framework, and longer term goals to leverage the plan in decision making, and integrate innovative technologies such as augmented and virtual reality, IoT and predictive maintenance.

The Victorian Digital Asset Strategy can be accessed online.

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