Industry response to 2026Agenda sought

By on 5 February, 2019

Following strong progress across five key pillars in 2018, the teams behind the 2026 Spatial Industry Transformation and Growth Agenda want to hear from geospatial professionals.

FrontierSI, SIBA|GITA and SSSI are reviewing a big year for the 2026Agenda as they prepare a formal update for 2019 — and as part of the review, they want your feedback.

So, now’s your chance to make your voice heard on the objectives, strategic direction and progress on the 2026Agenda at a strategic juncture as the teams wind up to a full head of steam for 2019.

Some summarised highlights released by SIBA|GITA ahead of the formal update are led by developments in Pillar A, Public Infrastructure and Analytics.

Headlining news here is the investment in national positioning capability committed in the 2018 budget, Digital Earth Australia industry consultation sessions with over 500 attendees, and significant strides in cadastre modernisation in Australian states.

Pillar B, Innovation and Entrepreneurship saw the bid to establish SmartSatCRC filed in November 2018. The $200 million research effort seeks to involve 74 participants (43 from the private sector) and will be Australia’s biggest ever nationally coordinated ecosystem of space research-industry collaboration if the bid is successful.

The Spatial & Surveying Diversity Leadership Network (S&SDLN) was formed in February 2018, and has been working for a year to advance inclusion and diversity in spatial industries, forming the key highlight for the Education, Training and Capacity Building pillar.

SSSI’s board made the body’s education and career development policy area the key strategic priority, allocating a significant budget to this aim and committing to rebuilding its education committee.

The committee has resolved to create a broad spatial industry education forum in early 2019, intended to ‘drive the national education and career development agenda in response to 2026Agenda and beyond’.

Have your say on the 2026Agenda.

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