Digital Earth Australia: Industry Workshop – Melbourne

26 October, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Melbourne VIC
Geoscience Australia & FrontierSI
Digital Earth Australia: Industry Workshop - Melbourne @ TBA | Victoria | Australia

The 2018 Federal Budget allocated AU$36.9 million to Digital Earth Australia (DEA), a world-class infrastructure that uses satellite data to detect physical changes across Australia in extraordinary detail. DEA takes petabytes of information locked in the Australian Government’s satellite data archives and combines it with data from an ever-growing range of new satellites. DEA will enable small businesses to more easily access near real-time information and satellite data to create new digital products and services, supporting industry productivity and innovation.

To ensure DEA generates value for Australian businesses, the DEA program is undertaking extensive industry consultation. The DEA Industry Consultation is aimed at understanding the requirements of Australian businesses for Earth Observations (EO), data infrastructure and information products as well as to provide an opportunity for industry to see and experience what DEA can do.

This workshop is a unique opportunity for Australian private companies to directly shape the future of the DEA program. We want to make sure your company can extensively use DEA, make it flexible and useful. This is the chance to have the conversation that will direct DEA to provide answers to your business needs.

Who is this for?

The DEA programs wants to make sure Australian companies understand and harness the power of satellite Earth Observation data and what it can do for your business – regardless of your sector or market.

Whether you are already using satellite data in your operations, or completely new to Earth observation, if you think satellite data could be useful to your organisation this workshop is for you.

Important: Attendance will be strictly limited to private companies, with only two attendees allocated per organisation.

We expect to transition from strategic conversations in the morning to a more technical conversation in the afternoon – so you may wish to bring both a business focused and a technology focused person to attend the day.

This webinar will be split in two sections:

Co-Designing DEA

  • DEA Introduction
  • Validating needs and requirements
  • Designing DEA’s Future (Growth Opportunities, incubation programs)

Experience DEA

  • View, Access and Analyse data in DEA
  • Analysing data in DEA: Hands on guided exploration of the platform

Participants are welcome to join for as much of the day as they want.

Attendance will be strictly limited to private companies, with only two attendees allocated per organisation.

The DEA Industry Consultation is being undertaken by Geoscience Australiaworking with FrontierSI(formerly the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information). For further information, please shoot through an email to: or contact the team directly, Phil Delaney or Eva Rodriguez

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