Canberra ACT 2601
Following the successful inaugural RPAS in Australian Skies conference in March, 2016, Australian Association for Unmanned Systems (AAUS) is proud to be continuing this very important discussion within the aviation community.
This years event RPAS in Australian Skies 2017 will be held in Canberra during June 27-28, 2017. The conference format will include key note presentations from CASA, Air Services, Defence and Industry as well as panel discussion sessions. The following themes will be explored:
- ADF plans for RPAS use in domestic civil airspace
- Lessons learned from Military RPAS operations in shared airspace
- European & US approaches to RPAS operations in shared airspace
- Australian Roadmap for regulatory development
- Industry perspective and challenges
- Controlling illegal RPAS operators
- Beyond Visual Line Of Sight operations for RPA
- Emerging Technologies
- Integration of RPAS into ATM and ATM procedures
- Shared use of Aerodromes
- Lower Airspace Concepts
AAUS is now inviting papers for the conference. Please submit short abstract to by April 30, 2017.