Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors Conference

13 September, 2017 – 16 September, 2017 all-day
Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley
430 Wine Country Dr
Lovedale NSW 2325
Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors Conference @ Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley | Lovedale | New South Wales | Australia

The AIMS 2017 Conference will be held in the beautiful Hunter Valley wine district of NSW.

Following on from the largest international gathering on mine surveyors at last year’s ISM2016, AIMS – The Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors – is keeping the standard high with a packed agenda of high-quality key speakers, interesting technical papers and a broad range of industry exhibitors.

More information will be available soon, please bookmark this page and return regularly to keep up to date.

The AIMS Conference is the premier event of the year in the AIMS calendar.

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