Best of the blogs

By on 13 March, 2018

42 of the world’s 50 deadliest cities are in one region

Big Think: Strange Maps blog

Here’s why Latin American cities are the deadliest in the world.

Extremities of the Earth: The Highest Point From Sea Level

Worlds Revealed: Geography and maps at the Library of Congress

In the previous post of this blog series, Extremities of the Earth, we explored the depths of the lowest natural point on earth. We will now travel in the opposite direction, to the heights of Mount Everest, the highest point on earth from sea level at 29,029 feet (8,848 m) above sea level.

Hostile Architecture: ‘Design Crimes’ Campaign Gets Bars Removed from Benches

99 percent invisible

Hostile designs can look innocuous, like “armrest” bars dividing up a public bench to prevent rough sleeping. So artist Stuart Semple has launched a new sticker series and website to highlight these approaches around the world.

10 location-based app features that will enrich your life

Geospatial World

Geospatial World rounds up 10 new apps that showcase how location is being harnessed in increasingly creative new ways.

Obesity in America vs Europe: 2 maps explain it all

Big Think: Strange Maps blog

If your BMI is higher than 30, you’re technically obese. These maps show how many people per European country (and U.S. state) suffer from that medical condition.

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