
Aerospace & Defence Expo and Australian International Airshow @ Avalon Airport
Feb 26 – Mar 3 all-day
Aerospace & Defence Expo and Australian International Airshow @ Avalon Airport


The Asia Pacific region is undergoing major growth in defence and aviation, with budgets in many countries continuing to rise and an ever increasing level of sophistication in technologies, equipment, systems and operational methods.

One of the leading gateways to these important markets is AVALON 2019 – the Australian International Airshow and Aerospace & Defence Exposition staged at Avalon Airport, Geelong, Victoria.

AVALON 2019 will again present a unique opportunity to showcase products, technologies and services to an informed target audience and to demonstrate a marketing presence in this vibrant and vital region. High levels of economic growth and technological development have resulted in growing demand for aviation and aerospace services, products and technology, right across the spectrum from General Aviation to airlines, air forces and space.

AVALON 2019 will be a valuable opportunity for decision-makers to be informed and for exhibitors to connect with their customers.

The Australian International Airshow and Aerospace & Defence Exposition is the essential aviation, aerospace and defence event for the Asia Pacific.

4th International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics 2024 @ Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
May 9 – May 10 all-day
4th International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics 2024 @ Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

The 4th International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics (ISAG2024), which will take place at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, on 9 and 10 May 2024.  ISAG2024 is jointly organised by the Department of Geomatics Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Türkiye, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland and Technical University of Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece.

The aim of the 4th ISAG is to bring scientists, engineers and industry researchers together to exchange and share their experiences and research results and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in geoinformatics.

Topics to be covered include recent advances in AI, satellite imagery, advanced remote sensing, photogrammetry, image processing, global navigation satellite systems, height systems, terrestrial laser scanning, GIS, smart cities and land management.

FOSS4G Perth @ Fremantle, Western Australia
Oct 23 all-day
FOSS4G Perth @ Fremantle, Western Australia

FOSS4G Perth is a local, community-driven gathering of the Perth open geospatial community, focused on sharing news of developments in free and open-source software for geospatial applications.

The event will be an opportunity to share ideas about open-source tools, such as QGIS, PostGIS, OpenStreetMap, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, Python-based Earth observation libraries and frameworks, GDAL, and many others.

This year’s event will be held in conjunction with the ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium.

The 2024 FOSS4G Perth organising committee comprises:

  • Bryan Boruff – University of Western Australia
  • Cholena Smart – Mammoth Geospatial
  • Grant Boxer – Consultant Geologist
  • Ivana Ivanova – Curtin University
  • John Bryant (Chair) – Mammoth Geospatial
  • John Duncan – University of Western Australia
  • John Lang – Consultant
  • Keith Moss – WA Government
  • Michel Nzikou – DMN Solutions
  • Nimalika Fernando
  • Petra Helmholz – Curtin University
  • Piers Higgs – Gaia Resources
  • Renee Manser
  • Stafford Smith
  • Tracey Cousens – Mineral Resources Limited
  • Vincent Dinh – GIS Pro


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