
Subsurface Utilities and Digital Twins @ Online webinar
May 13 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Subsurface Utilities and Digital Twins @ Online webinar

The presenters for this topical webinar will be Dr Craig Roberts, Senior Lecturer in Surveying/GPS/Geodesy at UNSW and Wayne Patterson Director, Spatial Operations at the NSW Department of Customer Service.

Roberts will give a short update on the revision of the Australian Standard, AS_5488 Classification of subsurface utility information in the context of datum modernisation, low-cost multi-GNSS and recent advances in positioning infrastructure in Australia.

Data storage, data distribution and security are identified as challenges suggesting a reimagined data governance will be needed. Could a spatial digital twin assist? What is a spatial digital twin? Is it a BIM? Where does it come from? What is an open data policy? Who can use it? Can I use it? Which datum? How accurate is the data?

Rather than just another PowerPoint webinar, Roberts will interview Patterson in a free-flowing format. Attendees will be invited to ask their own questions live in the chat as the conversation evolves.

This webinar is targeted at surveyors, geospatial users, students and the wider spatial community.

2022 SSSI Tasmania Surveying & Spatial Conference @ Wrest Point, Sandy Bay, Tasmania
Sep 2 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 pm
2022 SSSI Tasmania Surveying & Spatial Conference @ Wrest Point, Sandy Bay, Tasmania

The 2022 Tasmania Surveying & Spatial Conference will be held on Friday, 2 September at Wrest Point in Hobart, and promises to be a fantastic opportunity to learn and network with SSSI members and the broader surveying and spatial community.

This year’s event will include a gala dinner, held in partnership with the University of Tasmania, to celebrate that institution’s 50 years in the field of surveying and spatial teaching.

In addition, the event will include the presentation of the 2022 Tasmanian Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards.

Image credit: ©

15th Conference on Spatial Information Theory @ Kobe, Japan
Sep 5 @ 9:00 am – Sep 9 @ 5:00 pm
15th Conference on Spatial Information Theory @ Kobe, Japan

The 15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT 2022, will be held in Kobe, Japan, 5 to 9 September, 2022. Established in 1993, the Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT) is a biennial international conference series concerned with theoretical aspects of space and spatial information, aimed at advancing geographic information science and its emerging research frontiers.

The conference offers three (refereed) submission tracks with double-blind reviews: vision papers, full papers, and short papers. Embedded in the conference will also be an on-site mentoring program for doctoral students.

Contributions can cover a broad set of conference-relevant themes such as (but not limited to):

  • activity-based models of spatial knowledge
  • cognitive aspects of geographic information
  • cognitive-behavioural geography, naive geography
  • data-driven spatial information theory
  • geo-ethics and geo-privacy
  • events and processes in geographic space and time
  • geographic information visualisation and geovisual analytics
  • knowledge representation for space and time
  • navigation and wayfinding of sentient beings and robots
  • ontology of space and time
  • place
  • quality and interoperability of geographic information
  • social and cultural organisation of space
  • spatial and temporal language
  • spatial aspects of social networks
  • spatial decision support, impact of model design
  • spatial (digital) humanities
  • theory-driven spatial machine learning, artificial intelligence of space
  • theories on volunteered geographic information
  • theory and practice of spatial and temporal reasoning
  • user interfaces, virtual spaces and collaborative spaces
2022 SSSI Queensland Regional Conference @ Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Oct 14 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 pm
2022 SSSI Queensland Regional Conference @ Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia

The 2022 SSSI Queensland Regional Conference will be held on Friday, 14 October at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. It promises to once again be a fantastic opportunity to learn and connect with SSSI members and the broader surveying and spatial community.

The Queensland Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards dinner will also be held in conjunction with the conference, celebrating the outstanding work being undertaken across the region.

Image credit: ©

2022 SSSI NSW Regional Conference & APSEA-NSW/ACT @ Novotel Sydney Central
Nov 10 @ 9:00 am – Nov 11 @ 5:00 pm
2022 SSSI NSW Regional Conference & APSEA-NSW/ACT @ Novotel Sydney Central

The 2022 SSSI NSW Regional Conference will be held on Thursday 10 November and Friday 11 November 2022 at the Novotel Sydney Central. The theme will be ‘Connections’.

This regular event is an opportunity to learn from and connect with other SSSI members and the broader geospatial community.

The first day will comprise the main conference, with speakers presenting on various topics, followed by the NSW & ACT Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards dinner in the evening.

The second day will be a NSW Spatial Digital Twin workshop, an interactive session that will get ‘under the bonnet,’ looking at data sharing, use cases and more.

The Call for Abstracts will close at midday on Monday, 26 September 2022. Abstract proposals can be submitted online at

The organisers are seeking papers and presentations on a variety of topics, such as:

  • technical innovation, spatial aps, cloud computing, survey innovation, RPAS
  • data analytics, crowd sourcing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation, data partnerships
  • surveying -—land, cadastral, hydrographic, aerial survey, engineering
  • 3D, digital engineering, LiDAR, reality meshes, BIM
  • mobility, emergency management, spatial digital twins, environment, community, smart cities, utilities, coastal management, climate change
  • convergence of space and spatial

Registrations are now open online for the conference, dinner and workshop at

The event’s Principal and Major sponsors are the NSW Department of Customer Services–Spatial Services and TAFE NSW.

Space & Geospatial Collaborative Workshop @ Adelaide Convention Centre
May 10 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Space & Geospatial Collaborative Workshop @ Adelaide Convention Centre

The Space & Geospatial Collaborative Workshop is being jointly hosted by the Andy Thomas Space Foundation and SSSI in Adelaide on 10 May 2023, in between the first 2023 Australian Space Forum and the Locate23 Conference.

This inter-disciplinary workshop will provide an opportunity for professionals from both space and spatial sectors to connect and discuss the increasing synergy and collaborative opportunities that have resulted from Australia’s renewed commitment to space technology development and the requirements and capabilities of the modern spatial information industry. The spatial professional has been an enduring end-user of space applications such as PNT (positioning, navigation and timing), EO (Earth observation) and telecommunications.

WA Digital Twin Symposium & Awards Reception @ Perth, Western Australia
Nov 15 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 pm
WA Digital Twin Symposium & Awards Reception @ Perth, Western Australia

The Geospatial Council of Australia’s Western Australia Digital Twin Summit will be held on 15 November 2023.

The event will focus on Spatial Digital Twins, and attendees will hear the latest developments in this rapidly developing space from government, academia and private industry presenters.

The WA Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards dinner will also be held in conjunction with the conference, celebrating the outstanding work being undertaken across the region.

Image credit: ©

MIGARS 2024 Conference @ Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
Apr 8 – Apr 10 all-day
MIGARS 2024 Conference @ Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

The International Association of the IEEE-Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), the IEEE-Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) and the local organising committee invite geospatial and computing professionals to attend the International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing (MIGARS) to be held in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand in April 2024.

MIGARS aims to explore the interface of machine intelligence approaches with geosciences, spatial analytics, and remote sensing. With the tremendous developments in remote sensing technology, data acquisitions and sensing platforms, digital data have grown leaps and bounds to stream and are too big by volume, variety, and veracity. The challenge is handling, processing, and automating geo-data from various sources, such as multi-platform remote sensors and IoT devices, informing decision-making and monitoring our planet.

The conference will focus on connecting researchers from various disciplines, including computation/artificial intelligence, engineering, remote sensing, hydrology, agriculture and geosciences, and look for the potential use of intelligent computational approaches for geo-data-based applications and for serving society at large.

ION Pacific PNT Conference @ Honolulu, Hawaii
Apr 15 – Apr 18 all-day
ION Pacific PNT Conference @ Honolulu, Hawaii

The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Pacific PNT Conference is a global event dedicated to the cooperative development of positioning, navigation and timing technology and applications.

The conference attracts policy and technical leaders from Japan, Singapore, China, South Korea, Australia, the United States and many other countries, who meet to discuss policy updates, receive program status updates and exchange technical information.

The conference will cover a wide range of topics:

  • GNSS policy/status
  • Polynesian navigation
  • Aircraft navigation and surveillance
  • Algorithms and methods
  • Alternative navigation and signals of opportunity
  • Aviation applications of GNSS
  • Challenging navigation problems
  • Emerging PNT consumer applications
  • GNSS-R and GNSS-RO for environmental monitoring
  • High-precision GNSS correction and monitoring networks
  • Inertial navigation technology and applications
  • Interference and spectrum
  • Ionosphere monitoring with GNSS
  • Natural hazards detection and other remote sensing applications
  • Time and frequency distribution
  • Space navigation technologies

Substantial discounts are available for early registrations.

35th International Geographical Congress @ Dublin, Ireland
Aug 24 @ 5:26 am – Aug 30 @ 6:26 am
35th International Geographical Congress @ Dublin, Ireland

The 35th International Geographical Congress (IGC), to be held in Dublin, Ireland in August 2024, will provide an opportunity to share the best of global geographic research, discuss common challenges and opportunities and connect with colleagues from across the world.

The event is being organised by the International Geographical Union and the Geographical Society of Ireland.

The IGC 2024 will continue the tradition of previous congresses in recognising that our world faces many common natural and societal challenges that can only be dealt with through global action, understanding and sharing. In this respect, geography as a discipline, its skills, attributes and the geographic mindset has much to offer other disciplines, policymakers, officials, politicians and communities.

The theme of the congress is ‘Celebrating a World of Difference,’ and we are strongly focused through our academic and fieldwork program on:

  • supporting intercultural awareness and understanding;
  • promoting intellectual diversity as a strength;
  • bringing geographic research and thinking beyond the congress walls; and
  • grappling with the complex interconnections between people, place and the natural world.


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